Philosophy of Physics, UMD
2004 - 05 Calendar of Events
             Visiting Speakers Conference Workshop

Visiting Speakers
November 8
4:30 pm
Skinner Building, UMCP
Room to be announced
"Between Laws and Models: Some Philosophical Morals of Lagrangian Mechanics" JEREMY BUTTERFIELD
All Souls, Oxford
November 29
4:30 pm
Skinner Building, UMCP
Room 1112
"Taking Algebra Too Seriously. The Illusion of Obtaining Irreversible Behaviour in the Markovian Approach to Statistical Mechanics" JOS UFFINK
Institute for History and Foundations of Science
University of Utrecht
December 13
4:30 pm
Skinner Building, UMCP
Room 1116
"The Fine-Tuning Argument" BRAD MONTON
Philosophy Department
University of Kentucky
December 16
6:30 pm
Skinner Building, UMCP
Room 1116
"Being Bayesian in a Quantum World" CHRIS FUCHS
Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies
March 14
4:30 pm
Marie Mount Hall, UMCP
Room 0108
"Structure and Interpretation in Spacetime Theory" ROB DISALLE
Philosophy Department
University of Western Ontario
April 4
4:30 pm
Marie Mount Hall, UMCP
Room 0108
"The Relational Blockworld" MARK STUCKEY
Elizabethtown College MICHAEL SILBERSTEIN
Elizabethtown College MICHAEL CIFONE
U of Maryland
April 18
4:30 pm
Marie Mount Hall, UMCP
Room 0108
"Why the Afshar Experiment Does Not Refute Complementarity" RUTH KASTNER
University of Maryland
May 9
4:30 pm
Marie Mount Hall, UMCP
Room 0108
"The Structure of Nonlinear Quantum Theories" DREW ARROWOOD
University of Maryland

The Discussion Group on current problems in the philosophy of physics meets on Monday afternoons at 4:30 pm in the College Perk Coffeehouse, or in room 1116 Skinner Building, UMCP.

For further information, contact Jeffrey Bub at:

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