Philosophy of Physics, UMD
2002 - 03 Calendar of Events
             Visiting Speakers Conference Workshop

Visiting Speakers

(except as noted)

Sponsored by UMCP College of Arts and Humanities and UMCP Insitute for Physical Science and Technology.
October 24 "Emergence vs Fundamentalism in Metaphysics and the Natural Sciences" MICHAEL SILBERSTEIN
Philosophy Department
Elizabethtown College
November 21 "Entropy and Levels of Description" JANNEKE VAN LITH
Philosophy Department
University of Utrecht
December 11
Wed, 3:30 pm
SKN 1115
"David Lewis's Thesis of the Asymmetry of Overdetermination
or The Perils of Armchair Physics"
Philosophy Department
Northwestern University
February 6 "What Science Education Researchers Talk About When They Talk About 'Epistemology': An Introduction to Students' Views of Knowledge" ANDREW ELBY
Physics Education
March 5
4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Physics 1410
Gibbs Double Centennial Symposium
Co-sponsored with NIST
"Gibbs and Asymptotic Relations Between Theories" ROBERT BATTERMAN
Philosophy Department
Ohio State University
April 4
Friday, 11 a.m.
Room 3117
Computer Science Instructional Center
Co-sponsored with Computer Science and UMIACS
"What is Information?" BENJAMIN SCHUMACHER
Physics Department
Kenyon College
April 10 "Who Invented the Copenhagen Interpretation? A Study in Mythology" DON HOWARD
Philosophy Department
Notre Dame

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New Directions in the Foundations of Physics:
A Memorial Conference for Rob Clifton (1964 - 2002)

American Institute of Physics, College Park, May 2 - 4, 2003

Sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh Faculty of Arts and Science, the University of Pittsburgh Center for Philosophy of Science, the University of Pittsburgh Department of Philosophy, the University of Pittsburgh Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Georgetown University Graduate School, Georgetown University Philosophy Department, the University of Maryland (College Park) College of Arts and Humanities, the University of Maryland (College Park) Committee for Philosophy and the Sciences, the University of Maryland (Baltimore County) Department of Physics, the Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth, the American Institute of Physics Center for the History of Physics, and co-ordinated through the Foundations of Physics Group (UMCP, UMBC, JHU, and Georgetown University)

Friday, May 2

Session 1 (Morning)
All Souls, Oxford

9:00 - 10:00 Breakfast Buffet
10:00 - 10:15 Opening Remarks MARILYN CLIFTON
10:15 - 11:35 "Quantum Theory as an Example of a Probability Theory with Special Focus on Composite Systems" LUCIEN HARDY
Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics
Waterloo, Canada
11:35 - 11:50 Coffee Break
11:50 - 1:10 "In Defense of the Epistemic View of Quantum States" ROB SPEKKENS
Department of Physics
University of Toronto
1:10 - 2:30 Lunch

Session 2 (Afternoon)
Philosophy, Johns Hopkins
2:30 - 3:50 "Further Thoughts on Non-Contextuality and the Finite Precision Loophole" ADRIAN KENT
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
Cambridge University
3:50 - 4:10 Coffee Break
4:10 - 5:30 "Generalizations of Kochen and Specker's Theorem" ITAMAR PITOWSKY
Department of Philosophy
The Hebrew University Jerusalem
7:00 - 9:00 Wine and Cheese Party
American News Women's Club, 1607 22nd St., Washington, DC

Saturday, May 3

Session 3 (Morning)
HPS, Pittsburgh
9:00 - 10:00 Breakfast Buffet
10:00 - 11:20 "Generalizing the Hughston-Josza-Wootters Theorem to Type-II and Type-III Factors" HANS HALVORSON
Department of Philosophy
Princeton University
11:20 - 11:40 Coffee Break
11:40 - 1:00 "Quantum Foundations in the Light of Quantum Information" JEFFREY BUB
Department of Philosophy
University of Maryland College Park
1:00 - 2:30 Lunch

Session 4 (Afternoon)
Philosophy, UMBC
2:30 - 3:50 "Article Creation by Black Holes" LAURA RUETSCHE
Department of Philosophy
University of Pittsburgh
3:50 - 4:10 Coffee Break
4:10 - 5:30 "A View from Nowhere: Quantum Reference Frames and Uncertainty" MICHAEL DICKSON
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
University of Indiana
6:00 - 9:00 Reception

Sunday, May 4

Session 5 (Morning)
Philosophy, Georgetown
9:00 - 10:00 Breakfast Buffet
10:00 - 11:20 "David Albert on the (Non)-Time Reversal Invariance of Classical Electromagnetic Theory" DAVID MALAMENT
Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
University of California Irvine
11:20 - 11:40 Coffee Break
11:40 - 1:00 "Boltzmann's Work in Statistical Physics" JOS UFFINK
Institute for History and Foundations of Science
University of Utrecht
1:00 - 2:30 Lunch

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Discussants include: Carolina Alves (Physics, Oxford), Shuhei Amakawa (Physics, Cambridge), Frank Arntzenius (Philosophy, Rutgers), Gordon Belot (Philosophy, NYU), Jossi Berkovitz (Philosophy, UMBC), Howard Brandt (US Army Research Lab), Joan Bromberg (JHU), Harvey Brown (Philosophy, Oxford), Stephen Brush (History & IPST, UMCP), Jeremy Butterfield (Philosophy, Oxford), Michael Cifone (Philosophy, UMCP), Kevin Davey (Philosophy, Pittsburgh), William Demopoulos (Philosophy, Western Ontario), Steve Dillingham (Philosophy, JHU), Ari Duwell (HPS, Pittsburgh), George Farre (Philosophy, Georgetown), Arthur Fine (Philosophy, U Washington), Michael Fisher (Physics & IPST, UMCP), Gordon Fleming (Physics, Penn State), Brendan Foster (Physics, UMCP), Doreen Fraser (HPS, Pittsburgh), Chris Fuchs (Bell Labs), Stu Gluck (Philosophy, JHU), Sona Ghosh (Philosophy, Western Ontario), Sheldon Goldstein (Math, Rutgers), Ken Hennacy (Physics, UMCP), Brian Hepburn (HPS, Pittsburgh), Bei-Lok Hu (Physics, UMCP), Nick Huggett (Philosophy, U Illinois-Chicago), Ted Jacobson (Physics, UMCP), William Kallfelz (Physics, Piedmont), Ruth Kastner (Philosophy, UMCP), Frederick Kronz (Philosophy, U Texas-Austin), Boaz Leslau (Computer Science, Tel Aviv), Peter Lewis (Philosophy, Miami), Sam Lomonaco (Computer Science, UMBC), Tracy Lupher (HPS, Pittsburgh), James Mattingly (Philosophy, Georgetown), Kirk McDermid (Philosophy, Western Ontario), Robert McFarland (Physics, UMCP), F.A. Muller (History and Foundations of Science, Utrecht), Zac Myers (Philosophy, UMCP), Wayne Myrvold (Philosophy, Western Ontario), John Norton (HPS, Pittsburgh), Jill North (Philosophy, Rutgers), Dan Parker (Philosophy, UMCP), Don Perlis (Computer Science, UMCP), Arthur Pittenger (Mathematics, UMBC), Terry Rudolph (Bell Labs), Rob Rynasiewicz (Philosophy, Johns Hopkins), Chet Sapalio, Steven Savitt (Philosophy, UBC), Maximilian Schlosshauer (Philosophy, U Washington), Yanhua Shih (Physics, UMBC), Abner Shimony (Physics and Philosophy, Boston University), Michael Silberstein (Philosophy, Elizabethtown College), Chris Smeenk (Philosophy, MIT), Allen Stairs (Philosophy, UMCP), Joseph Sucher (Physics, UMCP), Chris Timpson (Philosophy, Oxford), Steve Weinstein (Philosophy, Dartmouth), Alexander Wilce (Mathematics, Susquehanna University), Christian Wuthrich (HPS, Pittsburgh), Anna Zelenak.

The conference will take place at the American Institute of Physics building: the American Center for Physics, One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, a few minutes walk from the College Park metro station. For a map and directions, see directions. For general information about Washington, DC, see WashingtonInfo.

Since there are no convenient food facilities close by, we will be providing participants with a buffet-style breakfast and lunch. Coffee, tea, and soft drinks will also be available. To cover food costs, we are asking participants, other than invited speakers and discussants, to pay a registration fee of $45 or $15 per day ($30 or $10 per day for students).

If you are planning to attend, please register before April 1 by sending an email message to with your name and institutional affiliation. Mail a cheque for the registration fee (made out to 'University of Maryland') to: Jeffrey Bub, Philosophy Department, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742. The conference is limited to 100 participants and registration will be closed after we reach that number. Note: Registration for this conference is now closed.

For further information, contact Jeffrey Bub at

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Spring semester, 2003
Topic: Entropy and Information. Fridays, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Skinner Building, UMCP, room 1116 (Philosophy Seminar Room).

J. Earman and J.D. Norton, `Exorcist XIV: The Wrath of Maxwell's Demon. Part I. From Maxwell to Szilard,' Studies in the History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 29, 435-471 (1998). Part II. From Szilard to Landauer and Beyond,' Studies in the History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 30, 1-40 (1999).
H.S. Leff and A.F. Rex (eds.), Maxwell's Demon : Entropy, Information, Computing (Adam Hilger, 1990).
H.S. Leff and A.F. Rex (eds.), Maxwell's Demon 2: Entropy, Classical and Quantum Information, Computing (Institute of Physics, 2003).
C.H. Bennett, 'The Thermodynamics of Computation - A Review,' Int.J.Theor.Phys.21, 905 - 40 (1982). Reprinted in Leff and Rex, Maxwell's Demon and Maxwell's Demon 2.
C.H. Bennett, 'Notes on Landauer's Principle, Reversible Computation, and Maxwell's Demon,' physics/0210005.
R. Landauer, 'Irreversibility and Heat Generation in the Computing Process, IBM J.Res.Dev.5, 183 - 191 (1961). Reprinted in Leff and Rex, Maxwell's Demon and Maxwell's Demon 2.
R. Feynman, Lectures on Computation , edited by T. Hey and R.W. Allen (Perseus Publishing, 1996). Chapter 5: Reversible Computation and the Thermodynamics of Computing. (Especially 5.1.)
J. Bub, 'Maxwell's Demon and the Thermodynamics of Computation,'
C.H. Bennett, 'Demons, Engines and the Second Law,' Scientific American 257, 88 - 96 (1987).
C.H. Bennett, Letter to the Editor, Scientific American 258, 6 (1988).
Orly Shenker, 'Logic and Entropy,'
Orly Shenker and Meir Hemmo, 'How Maxwell's Demon Defeats von Neumann,'

For further information, contact Jeffrey Bub at

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