Philosophy of Physics, UMD
2002 Calendar of Events
             Visiting Speakers Conference Workshop

Visiting Speakers


Sponsored by UMCP College of Arts and Humanities and UMCP Insitute for Physical Science and Technology.
February 7 "Quantum Surveying: How Generalized Bell States Act as Measuring Rods on Manifolds of Coherent States" DAN FIVEL
Department of Physics
February 21 "Cautious Revolutionaries:
Maxwell, Planck, Hubble"
Distinguished Univ Prof
of the History of Science
March 14 "What Science Education Researchers Talk About When They Talk About 'Epistemology': An Introduction to Students' Views of Knowledge" ANDREW ELBY
Department of Physics

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New Directions in the Foundations of Physics
American Institute of Physics, College Park, May 3 - 5, 2002

Friday, May 3

Session 1 (Morning): Foundations of Quantum Mechanics

9:00 - 10:00 Breakfast Buffet
10:00 - 11:20 "A Matter of Degree: Putting Unitary Inequivalence to Work" LAURA RUETSCHE
Department of Philosophy
University of Pittsburgh
11:20 - 11:40 Coffee Break
11:40 - 1:00 "Quantum Mechanics in Terms of Continuous Beables" HANS HALVORSON
Department of Philosophy
Princeton University
1:00 - 2:30 Lunch

Session 2 (Afternoon): Quantum Information and Computation
2:30 - 3:50 "Climbing Mount Scalable: Physical-Resource Requirements for Scalable Quantum Computation" CARLTON CAVES
Department of Physics
and Astronomy
University of New Mexico
3:50 - 4:10 Coffee Break
4:10 - 5:30 "Characterizing Quantum Theory in Terms of Information-Theoretic Constraints" ROB CLIFTON
Department of Philosophy
University of Pittsburgh

Saturday, May 4

Session 3 (Morning): Foundations of Space-Time Theories
9:00 - 10:00 Breakfast Buffet
10:00 - 11:20 "General Covariance and Noether's Theorems" HARVEY BROWN
Sub-Faculty of Philosophy
Oxford University
11:20 - 11:40 Coffee Break
11:40 - 1:00 "Is Everything Pointless?" FRANK ARNTZENIUS
Department of Philosophy
Rutgers University
1:00 - 2:30 Lunch

Session 4 (Afternoon): New Approaches to Quantum Gravity
2:30 - 3:50 "A New Proposal for a Nonlocal Hidden Variables Theory" LEE SMOLIN
Perimeter Institute
for Theoretical Physics
3:50 - 4:10 Coffee Break
4:10 - 5:30 "Hidden Variables and Quantum Gravity" ANTONY VALENTINI
Blackett Laboratory
Imperial College, London

Sunday, May 5

Session 5 (Morning): Foundations of Statistical Physics
9:00 - 10:00 Breakfast Buffet
10:00 - 11:00 "On the Time Asymmetries of Causation and Epistemic Access" DAVID ALBERT
Philosophy Department
Columbia University
11:00 - 11:20 Coffee Break
11:20 - 12:20 "Logic and Entropy" ORLY SHENKER
Department of Philosophy
London School of Economics
12:30 - 1:30 "The Ergodic Hierarchy, Decay of Correlations, and Chaos" ROMAN FRIGG
Department of Philosophy
London School of Economics

Department of Philosophy

Department of Philosophy
1:30 - 2:30 Lunch

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Discussants include: Gordon Belot (Philosophy, NYU), Joseph Berkovitz (Philosophy, UMBC), Jeffrey Bub (Philosophy, UMCP), Michael Dickson (Philosophy, Indiana), George Farre (Philosophy, Georgetown), Dan Fivel (Physics, UMCP), Richard Healey (Philosophy, Arizona), Patrick Heelan (Philosophy, Georgetown), Meir Hemmo (Philosophy, Haifa), Bei-Lok Hu (Physics, UMCP), Ted Jacobson (UMCP), Sam Lomonaco (Computer Science, UMBC) Fotini Markopoulou (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics), James Mattingly (Philosophy, Georgetown), Brad Monton (Philosophy, Kentucky), Don Perlis (Computer Science and UMIACS, UMCP), Morton Rubin (Physics, UMBC), Rob Rynasiewicz (Philosophy, JHU), Simon Saunders (Philosophy, Oxford), Steve Savitt (Philosophy, UBC), Orly Shenker (Philosophy, LSE), Yanhua Shi (Physics, UMBC), Rob Spekkens (Physics, Toronto), Allen Stairs (UMCP), Steve Weinstein (Philosophy, Dartmouth).

The conference is co-sponsored by: UMCP College of Arts and Humanities, UMCP Institute for Physical Science and Technology, UMCP Department of Computer Science, UMCP Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, UMBC College of Arts and Sciences, UMBC Department of Physics, Georgetown University Department of Philosophy, Johns Hopkins University Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, American Institute of Physics Center for the History of Physics.

The conference will take place at the American Institute of Physics building: the American Center for Physics, One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, a few minutes walk from the College Park metro station. For a map and directions, see directions. For general information about Washington, DC, see WashingtonInfo.

Since there are no convenient food facilities close by, we will be providing participants with a buffet-style breakfast and lunch. Coffee, tea, and soft drinks will also be available. To partly cover food costs, we are asking participants, other than the invited speakers and discussants, to pay a daily registration fee (on site) of $10 per day ($5 for students), either by cheque or cash (we are unable to accept credit cards).

If you are planning to attend, please register by sending an email message to with your name and institutional affiliation, and indicate which days you plan to attend.

For further information, contact Jeffrey Bub at or Joseph Berkovitz at

The Discussion Group on current problems in the philosophy of physics will meet again regularly in the fall semester, 2002. During 2001, the topic was quantum information and computation. For further details, click here.

Copyright 2001 Foundations of Physics, UMD. All rights reserved.
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