2008 - 09 Colloquium
All talks are at 4:30 pm in Skinner 1115, unless otherwise noted. For current events in foundations of
physics, see http://carnap.umd.edu/philphysics/calendar.html.
"Consensus, Compromise and Judgement Aggregation"
Stephan Hartmann (Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science, Tilburg University)
This lecture, scheduled for October 6, has been cancelled.
"Monism, Mimimalism and Modal Metaphysics"
Huw Price (Center for Time, University of Sydney)
4:00 pm, October 22
This is a joint Philosophy/CPaS event.
"The Uses of Infinity: a Philosopher Looks at Emergent Phenomena in Physics."
Jeremy Butterfield (Trinity College, Cambridge)
Friday, October 31 at 3 pm in Skinner 1116
"On the Persistence of Entanglement in Relativistic Quantum Field Theory"
Giovanni Valente (Department of Philosophy, University of Maryland)
November 3
"Humean Objective Chance: Can It Handle Statistical Mechanics?"
Carl Hoefer (Research Prof ICREA and UAB, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
November 10
"Gene-Environment Interactions - From IQ Controversy to Genetic Screening"
James Tabery (Department of Philosophy, University of Utah)
4:00 pm, May 13
This is a joint Philosophy/CPaS event.
Carl Craver (Department of Philosophy, Washington University)
June (exact date to be announced)
New Directions
in the Foundations of Physics
American Center for Physics, College
Park, May 1 - 3, 2009
The eighth annual conference sponsored by the
Foundations of Physics Group (University of Maryland, Johns Hopkins University, Georgetown University).
Stephen Adler (Albert Einstein Professor of Physics, Princeton Institute for Advanced Study)
P.K. Aravind (Physics, Worcester Polytechnic)
John Bell (Philosophy, University of Western Ontario)
Anne Broadbent (Institute for Quantum Computing, Waterloo University)
Doreen Fraser (Philosophy, University of Waterloo)
Joe Henson (Quantum Foundations, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)
N.P. Landsman (Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics, and Particle Physics, Radboud University, Nijmegen)
Miklos Redei (Philosophy, London School of Economics)
Rafael Sorkin (Physics, University of Syracuse and Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)
Nino Zanghi (Phyysics, University of Genoa)
For further information, see