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Events  2006 - 07 Colloquium  

All talks are at 4 pm in Skinner 1115, unless otherwise noted. For current events in foundations of physics, see 

"The Gentle Strength of Tolerance: The Logical Syntax of Language and Carnap's Philosophic Program " 
Richard Creath (Philosophy, Arizona State University, Tempe) 
November 15 

"Mechanisms, Modularity and Natural Kinds" 
Carl Craver (Philosophy, Washington University, St. Louis) 
December 6 

"Constancies of Nature" 
Malcolm Forster (Philosophy, University of Wisconsin, Madison) 
This talk, originally scheduled for January 31, will be re-scheduled. 

"Theoretical Pluralism in the Sciences of Human Behavior" 
Helen Longino (Philosophy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis) 
March 28 


New Directions in the Foundations of Physics 
American Institute of Physics, College Park, April 13 - 15, 2007 
The sixth annual conference sponsored by the Foundations of Physics Group (University of Maryland College Park, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Johns Hopkins University, Georgetown University).


Yakir Aharonov (Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University)
Gilles Brassard (Informatique et Recherche Opérationelle, Université de Montréal)
Bill Demopoulos (Philosophy, University of Western Ontario)
Nicolas Gisin (Physics, Université de Genève)
Shelley Goldstein (Mathematics, Rutgers)
Basil Hiley (Theoretical Physics, Birkbeck College)
Richard Jozsa (Computer Science, University of Bristol)
Simon Kochen (Mathematics, Princeton University)
Sandu Popescu (Physics, University of Bristol)
Bas van Fraassen (Philosophy, Princeton University)

For further information, see Conference 