CPaS links
Events  2004 - 2005 Colloquium  

For current events in foundations of physics, see 

"Philosophical Attachments to Science" 
Arthur Fine (Philosophy, University of Washington) 
Monday, October 25
4:00 pm
Room 1112, Skinner Building

"God, Fine-Tuning, and the Problem of Old Evidence" 
Brad Monton (Philosophy, University of Kentucky) 
Monday, December 13
4:30 pm
Room 1112, Skinner Building

"Computational Science" 
Paul Humphreys (Philosophy, University of Virginia) 
Wednesday, February 2
4:00 pm
Room 1115, Skinner Building

"How Theories Became Knowledge:Natural Selection 1930-1970" 
Stephen Brush (History & IPST, UMCP) 
Thursday, March 17
4:45 pm
Room 1116, IPST Building

"Mental Mechanisms" 
William Bechtel (Philosophy, Science Studies Program,
& Interdisciplinary Cognitive Science Program, University of California, San Diego)
Wednesday, April 13
4:00 pm
Room 1115, Skinner Building

"Carnap's Theory of Theories" 
William Demopoulos (Logic & Philosophy of Science, University of California, Irvine) 
Wednesday, April 27
4:00 pm
Room 1115, Skinner Building


New Directions in the Foundations of Physics  
American Institute of Physics, College Park, April 29 - May 1, 2005 
The fourth annual conference sponsored by the Foundations of Physics Group (University of Maryland College Park, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Johns Hopkins University, Georgetown University, Elizabethtown College).

Invited Speakers:
Jeremy Butterfield (Philosophy, Oxford)
Fay Dowker (Physics, Queen Mary College, London University)
Hans Halvorson (Philosophy, Princeton)
Richard Healey (Philosophy, University of Arizona)
Michel Janssen (History of Science, University of Minnesota)
Klaas Landsman (Mathematics, University of Amsterdam)
Fotini Markopoulou (Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics)
Sandu Popescu (Physics, Bristol)
John Stachel (Physics, Boston University)
William Wootters (Physics, Williams College)
For further information, see Conference 