CPaS links
Events  2003 - 2004 Colloquium 

Thursdays at 4PM in Room 1116, Institute for Physical Science and Technology (IPST) unless otherwise* noted. The IPST Building is located on the corner of Regents Drive and Farm Drive. For a map and directions see 

For current events in foundations of physics, see 

"Negative Probabilities and Quantum Interference" 
Fred Kronz (Philosophy, U Texas at Austin) 
November 6

"Is Mathematics the Key to the Universe? Variations on a Theme of Eugene Wigner" 
Steven Brush (Institute for Physical Sciences and Technology, and Department of History) 
November 7, 3:00 PM
Mathematics Building, Room 3206

"A Relational Modal Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and Relativity" 
Joseph Berkovitz (Philosophy, UMBC) 
November 13 

"Can Quantum Cryptography Imply Quantum Mechanics? Three Toy Theories." 
Hans Halvorson (Philosophy, Princeton U) 
November 20 

"Logicism and the Analysis of Number" 
William Demopoulos (Philosophy, U Western Ontario) 
December 4 

"Scientific Realism: The Metaphysical Issue" 
Michael Devitt (Distinguished Professor, Graduate Center, CUNY) 
February 26 

"Can Conditioning on the 'Past Hypothesis'
Militate Against the Reversibility Objections?"
Eric Winsberg (Philosophy, University of South Florida) 
March 4 

"Closed Causal Loops and the Bilking Argument" 
Jenann Ismael (Philosophy, University of Arizona) 
March 11 

"Negative Probabilities and Quantum Interference" 
Fred Kronz (Philosophy, U of Texas, Austin) 
Monday March 15, 3:30 pm
Skinner Building, Room 1115

"Quantum Decision Theory" 
Peter Lewis (Philosophy, University of Miami) 
April 1 

"Laws of Nature: Their Stability, Their Necessity,
and the Autonomy of Inexact Sciences"
Marc Lange (Philosophy, University of N Carolina, Chapel Hill) 
Wednesday April 7, 4:00 pm
Skinner Building, Room 1115
Joint Colloquium with Philosophy

"Causation as Folk Science" 
John Norton (HPS, University of Pittsburgh) 
April 29, 6:00 pm
Skinner Building, Room 1116
Graduate Seminar on Causation


New Directions in the Foundations of Physics  
American Institute of Physics, College Park, April 30 - May 2, 2004 
The third annual conference sponsored by the Foundations of Physics Group (University of Maryland College Park, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Johns Hopkins University, Georgetown University, Elizabethtown College).

Speakers include: Frank Arntzenius (Philosophy, Rutgers), John Earman (History & Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh), Chris Fuchs (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies), Leah Henderson (Philosophy, MIT), David Mermin (Physics, Cornell), Tim Maudlin (Philosophy, Rutgers), James Mattingly (Philosophy, Georgetown), John Norton (History and Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh), Jeroen van Dongen (Max Planck Inst for the History of Science).  
For further information, see Conference 
