2003 - 2004 Colloquium
Thursdays at 4PM in Room 1116, Institute for Physical Science and Technology (IPST) unless otherwise* noted. The IPST Building is located on the corner of Regents Drive and Farm Drive. For a map and directions see http://www.inform.umd.edu/CampusInfo/About_UMCP/Maps/northwest.html. For current events in foundations of physics, see http://carnap.umd.edu/philphysics/calendar.html. "Negative Probabilities and Quantum Interference"
Relational Modal Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and Relativity"
"Can Quantum Cryptography Imply Quantum Mechanics? Three Toy Theories."
"Logicism and the Analysis of Number"
"Scientific Realism: The Metaphysical Issue"
"Can Conditioning on the 'Past Hypothesis'
"Closed Causal Loops and the Bilking Argument"
"Negative Probabilities and Quantum Interference"
"Quantum Decision Theory"
"Laws of Nature: Their Stability, Their Necessity, "Causation as Folk Science"
New Directions
in the Foundations of Physics
Speakers include: Frank Arntzenius (Philosophy, Rutgers), John Earman (History & Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh), Chris Fuchs (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies), Leah Henderson (Philosophy, MIT), David Mermin (Physics, Cornell), Tim Maudlin (Philosophy, Rutgers), James Mattingly (Philosophy, Georgetown), John Norton (History and Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh), Jeroen van Dongen (Max Planck Inst for the History of Science). |