Colloquium 2002 - 2003
"Emergence vs. Fundamentalism
in Metaphysics and the Natural Sciences"
Michael Silberstein (Philosophy Department,
Elizabethown College)
October 24
"Naturalism and Improper Functions"
Richard Manning (Philosophy Department,
Carlton University, Ottawa)
November 14
"Ergodic Theory and the Justification
of Probabilities"
Janneke van Lith (Philosophy Department,
University of Utrecht)
November 21
"David Lewis's Thesis of the
Asymmetry of Overdetermination, or The Perils of Armchair Physics"
Mathias Frisch (Philosophy Department,
Northwestern University)
*December 11, SKN 1115
"Peirce and Scientific Realism"
Ilya Farber (Philosophy Department,
George Washington University)
December 12
Science Education Researchers Talk About When They Talk About 'Epistemology':
Introduction to Students' Views of Knowledge"
Andrew Elby (Physics Education,
February 6
Neuroscience and the Dissociable Self"
Carl Craver (Philosophy Department,
Washington University)
February 13
Mechanisms: The Long-Term Discovery of Long-Term Potentiation"
Carl Craver (Philosophy Department,
Washington University)
Co-sponsored with NACS
*Friday, February 14, 12:00 noon,
Biol-Psych Building, Room 1208
and Asymptotic Relations Between Theories"
Robert Batterman (Philosophy Department,
Ohio State)
Gibbs Double Centennial Symposium,
co-sponsored with NIST
*Wednesday, March 5, 4:00 p.m.
- 6:00 p.m., Physics 1410
is Information?"
Benjamin Schumacher (Physics Department,
Kenyon College)
Co-sponsored with Department of
Computer Science and UMIACS
*Friday, April 4, 11 a.m., Computer
Science Instructional Center
"Who Invented the Copenhagen
Interpretation? A Study in Mythology"
Don Howard (Philosophy Department,
Notre Dame University)
April 10
Fisher and Randomised Experimental Design"
Nancy Hall (Philosophy Department,
University of Maryland)
April 17
Time: Probability, Mechanisms, and the Molecular Clock"
Michael Dietrich (Biological Sciences,
Dartmouth College)
Co-sponsored with BEES
*Monday, April 28
Truth in Pictures"
Laura Perini (Philosophy, Virginia
May 8
"New Directions in the Foundations
of Physics"
A Memorial Conference for Rob Clifton
(1964 - 2002)
American Institute of Physics,
College Park, May 2 - 4, 2003
Speakers include: Jeffrey Bub,
Michael Dickson, Hans Halvorson, Lucien Hardy, Adrian Kent, David Malament,
Itamar Pitowsky, Laura Ruetsche, Rob Spekkens, Jos Uffink.
Sponsored by the University of
Pittsburgh Faculty of Arts and Science, the University of Pittsburgh Center
for Philosophy of Science, the University of Pittsburgh Department of Philosophy,
the University of Pittsburgh Department of History and Philosophy of Science,
Georgetown University Graduate School, Georgetown University Philosophy
Department, the University of Maryland (College Park) College of Arts and
Humanities, the University of Maryland (College Park) Committee for Philosophy
and the Sciences, the University of Maryland (Baltimore County) Department
of Physics, the Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth, the
American Institute of Physics Center for the History of Physics, and co-ordinated
through the Foundations of Physics Group (UMCP, UMBC, JHU, and Georgetown
For further information, contact
Jeffrey Bub at